
11222519_747564792056104_755580334547949297_nHi there fellow sewers

I’m Debbie, in my early 50s (you don’t really want to know the exact number do you?) and am eternally grateful to be living in one of the most gorgeous parts of North Wales.

I started sewing at school when I was 13, made all my clothes throughout my teens and early twenties and back then was brave enough to tackle my own wedding dress – a rather cringeworth Lady Di replica, but back in the 80s it was the height of fashion.

After having my two boys there was never time to sew and I put my machine away at the back of the hallway cupboard, never to see the light of day again.

Fast forward 30 years and I was utterly fed up of never being able to find RTW clothes that came anywhere close to fitting me.  I am short (5ft 1) and very round, or shall we say ‘curvy’?  Blouses would hang past my fingers, skirts would drag on the floor and don’t get me started on what jeans looked like if I wanted to get them over my hips!

I started reminiscing about how much I used to enjoy sewing and convinced myself that I could make clothes that would fit me better than anything I could buy in a shop.  So I treated myself to a new sewing machine and took over the attic room as my sewing base -just as well as I am probably the messiest sewer this side of the universe.

I hope you join me on my journey to achieve the perfect fit for my hand made clothes.

9 thoughts on “About

    • Hi Jen
      Lovely to hear from you and even more so as we have so many similarities in common. It is lovely to hear that you have also returned to sewing after many decades away – I hope you are enjoying your new found hobby as much as I am. Debbie x

      Liked by 1 person

      • Yes, I’m learning it is small steps, so many things to learn, but I hope you are like me and having great fun learning. I am loving making my own clothes as they fit so much better than anything from a shop (I’m not a standard shape or size).
        PS yes, many people in Wales have the surname Jones 🙂 x

        Liked by 1 person

  1. I can’t buy ready to wear anymore because the fit is so bad. I am trying to fit in making my wardrobe around a full time job. My girls are 20 and 16. I love that you are choosing the indie patterns. Sew on!


    • Hi Janet
      Lovely to hear from you, how are you getting on with making your wardrobe? I went looking at clothes shops yesterday (first time for months) and it just reaffirmed why I make my own clothes. The sleeves were too long, the shoulders dropped, too tight around the middle, not flattering and definitely not comfortable. I was so pleased to put on my me-made clothes after trying things on.

      I’m really enjoying the indie patterns, I definitely prefer them over those from the Big 4 – they seem to offer things that you just don’t see from the larger companies.

      Debbie x


  2. I just found your blog, and have enjoyed reading your entries. You have made some beautiful clothes! I am in my mid-50s, 5’2″ and plus sized–that is, short and round! I only took up sewing a couple of years ago, due to frustration with fit in RTW. I haven’t really got all my fit issues in my sewn garments worked out yet, but I am making progress. I’m really impressed by the adjustments you make to make your garments fit so nicely.


    • Hi Leigh Ann
      Thanks so much for stopping by my blog. It sounds like we are very similar in our body types so I understand your frustration with RTW – that is exactly why I came back to sewing my own garments. I still have a long way to go to get the ‘perfect fit’ but even where I am right now is a million times better than my old, ill fitting, shop bought clothes. I’m glad to hear that you are making progress with sorting out your fit issues with your clothes, keep persevering and learn as much as you can online, there are so many useful resources around
      Debbie x


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