Sunday Sevens #1

Sunday Sevens is the brainchild of Natalie over at Threads and Bobbins.  It is a way for you to get to know a bit more about us and what we do besides sewing.  If you are interested in finding out more pop over to Natalie’s blog and find out how to take part.

So this is my very first Sunday Seven, let’s hope I do the concept justice.

I normally lead a pretty quiet life.  I work from home and don’t often get the opportunity to go out and about during the week so I did wonder how I would get seven photographs to fill a post.  However, this week has been exceptionally busy and I’ve ended up struggling to choose just seven.



On Monday I was asked to attend the monthly Gwynedd Merioneth WI Board of Trustees meeting.  We took a break for lunch and went to an amazing local cafe called Y Sospan.  The building was originally constructed in the 1600s and inside it still has the original beams and many beautiful features dating back over the centuries.  At one time it used to be the local jail.  I’m sure it wasn’t as pleasant if you were a prisoner awaiting your sentence, but it certainly was a great place to enjoy lunch.  I had the most delicious baked potato and baked beans – a proper jacket potato with crispy crunchy skin, not your soft microwaved variety.



After taking the day off work on Monday I thought I might be pushing my luck with hubby to try and get a second day out of the office, but I must have caught him in a good mood as he seemed happy enough for me to go out Tuesday as well.  I had a dental appointment in Colwyn Bay (eek my first for 28 years, that should give you an idea of the pain I was in).  As it is an hour and a half drive from where I live, my friend, Marian, offered to come with me and suggested we make a day of it by stopping off to shop in nearby Llandudno.  In my book, a shopping trip is something never to be turned down.

This photo was taken looking down on the beautiful bay of llandudno and its fabulous pier – if you ever find yourself in the North Wales area you won’t regret taking time out to visit this gorgeous town.



Llandudno also has strong links to Lewis Carroll and it is said that a local lady, Alice Liddell was the inspiration for Alice in Wonderland.  As you go around the town and parks you will come across many beautiful hand carved wooden statues all depicting characters or events from the book.  There are the most amazing life sized Tweedledum and Tweedledee statues and also a gorgeous Queen of Hearts.  This photograph is of one of the smaller statues with an array of wooden mushrooms.



Only in North Wales could you possibly wake up to find sheep having breakfast on the front lawn!



On Wednesday evening we had the most amazing sunset – no filters used here, honestly.  This was taken from my back garden.  We are lucky and get some stunning sunsets and I’m always surprised at how different and unique every single one can be.



On Thursday evening it was our monthly WI dining club.  Fourteen of us went to a local pub/restaurant and had the most delicious meal – the portion sizes were massive!



On Saturday afternoon I helped my friend put together the mirrored doors for her new wardrobes.  I’m a complete flat pack novice so I’m not sure that I was a huge amount of help but I did a good job at handing out the screws and drill when required.




11 thoughts on “Sunday Sevens #1

  1. Welcome to Sunday Sevens! Love your photo of the café, but agree that it was probably pretty dire if you were imprisoned there. The sheep remind me of the cows that occasionally found their way into our garden when we were kids – you wouldn’t believe the damage they were capable of!


    • I can imagine the mess they must have made. We have a huge field behind us where we walk the dog. Every now and again the farmer puts his cows to graze and the whole field turns into a mud bath liberally littered with cow pats (which the dog seems to think is a local delicacy!) I’ve been in Wales for 5 years and every time I see the sheep wandering up the road it makes me smile. Luckily for us we have no grass so they just pass us by.

      Debbie x

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    • Thank you so much Ginny.

      I have spent months wondering whether to get involved with Sunday Sevens as I don’t feel I lead a very exciting life much of the time. I’ve spent ages reading Sunday Sevens by other bloggers and over the months I feel like I’ve gotten to ‘know’ them so much better by having that insight into their lives beyond sewing projects. So this week I finally plucked up the courage to start doing my own posts. It is so nice to hear that you enjoyed reading it 🙂


    • Yes I imagine you live in a very different looking part of the world to me, Janet. One day I dream of visiting Canada and would love to stop via Toronto. Fingers crossed that it happens. Debbie x


  2. Welcome to Sunday Sevens! You’ve indeed done it justice. Beautiful photos….that sunset is glorious and how I’d love to find sheep on my front lawn. (We do get the random rabbit and loads of squirrels, but that’s just not the same.) The restaurant looks delightful in its present habitation, wouldn’t think so nice as a prisoner! 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thanks Jen. I’d love squirrels in my garden – although I’m sure they can be a nuisance. The sheep don’t bother me much as we don’t have lawn so they look at our house and go over the road to our neighbours (where this photo was taken). They are really destructive though, last year they ate one neighbours entire crop of home grown winter veg in one sitting.

      The photo of the sunset was so lucky. We often get lovely sunsets but for some reason my camera never does them justice, I got lucky that night 🙂

      Debbie x

      Liked by 1 person

    • Thanks Ali.
      We moved here 4 years ago and I still pinch myself to make sure that I really do live here and it isn’t just a dream. But, as with everything there is a downside. It is a 30 min drive to my closest supermarket and an hour and a half drive to the nearest proper town with department stores (and that isn’t very big). But with the internet and the very obliging Mr Tesco bringing shopping to my door it is never a hardship to wake up each morning to look at the sea. You also live in a really beautiful part of the country, different, but no less stunning 🙂

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